Natalia Mudruk, bronze sculpture, still life, animalistic genre, fêtes galantes, academic education, magic realism.Abstract
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to investigate and characterize the early period of creativity of the Ukrainian sculptor Nataliya Mudruk using the example of works from her first series «The Gallant Century». Research methods. The article uses art history and general scientific methods: historical and biographical – to delineate chronological boundaries; formal-stylistic, analytical-descriptive, interpretation method – to determine the main parameters of works and their art analysis; method of classification and generalization – for their arrangement. The results. The work of N. Mudruk is an example of an original author's manner, which cannot be subordinated to a specific style and in which the desire to go beyond the boundaries of traditional sculpture can be traced through the involvement of techniques and techniques from other types of art, in particular from painting. This is explored already in the first sculptural series of authorship «The Gallant Century», which is an allusion to the gallant celebration of the Rococo era. The juxtaposition of stylized ladies and gentlemen in an interpreted rocaille selection with realistic objects («The triumph of the victor», «Escape») is the leading idea of the series and a feature of the style of magical realism. Without this, it has animalism («For a date at night», «In the arms of sleep») and a still life («The Fountain of Wealth», «Ripe fruits») uncharacteristic of sculpture, modeled exclusively from nature. Conclusions. Having analyzed the early period of N. Mudruk's work, it is possible to single out the main features that guided her in her subsequent works: the symbiosis of realism with fantastic elements, grotesque representation of recognizable stylized characters and a readable plot, the combination of techniques and types of art, their harmonious composition in the overall composition, technical completeness.
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