Transcarpathian painting, Adalbert Erdeliy, Transcarpathian sc hool, plein airs, painting.Abstract
Abstract. The article is devoted to the work of the outstanding Transcarpathian artist Adalbert Erdelyi (1891–1955) during his stay in France in 1929–1931. The purpose of the research is to analyze the artist’s paintings written in this period, to establish the chronological sequence of their creation, to reveal the artistic and stylistic tendencies of A. Erdelyi’s individual manner of this period. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the literature that mentions this stage of the master’s life, including scientific and journalistic works, notes in the press, diaries of A. Erdelyi. The author of the article collected all available empirical material, which consists of works stored in the Transcarpathian Regional Art Museum of J. Bokshay, private collections in Ukraine and other European countries. The novelty of the study. Staying for some time in Paris and working side by side with other artists in the art colony in Gargiles – all this led to the appearance of new features in the artist’s handwriting. After returning to Uzhhorod, A. Erdelyi taught a lot, was engaged in creativity, implemented the techniques acquired in France and thus brought Transcarpathian art to the European level. Conclusion. An art-critic analysis of A. Erdelyi’s paintings of the studied period was carried out, and the works preserved in France were published for the first time. The chronology of the artist’s creation of paintings is reproduced. New stylistic features in the artistic language of A. Erdelyi are revealed, features that influenced the further development of his creative method are singled out.
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