restitution, museum, cultural heritage, convention, law, international law, war, regulatory acts.Abstract
Abstract. The aim of this article is to investigate the issue of restitution of Ukraine’s cultural heritage during the period of 2000–2023. Research methods. The article’s framework is based on historical, cultural, and art historical approaches, as well as interdisciplinary historical, cultural studies, and specific art historical methods. Results. The process of restitution of Ukraine’s cultural heritage from 2000 to 2023 was complex and required significant efforts to recover unlawfully exported artifacts. The application of historical, cultural, and art historical approaches allowed for examining the role of restitution in strengthening national consciousness and preserving cultural heritage. Additionally, the analysis of legislative acts confirmed the necessity to enhance the national legal framework and restitution mechanisms for an effective implementation of the process. Successful examples of returning historical, cultural, and artistic valuables underscored the significance of restitution in restoring historical value and the societal importance of these landmarks. Conclusions. The restitution of Ukraine’s cultural heritage during the mentioned period holds great importance in preserving the country’s historical, cultural, and artistic legacy, as well as in reinforcing national consciousness. However, restitution is a complex and lengthy process that requires improvements in the national legal basis and return mechanisms for effective implementation. The role of governmental institutions in conducting restitution and collaborating with international partners also emerged as crucial aspects of this process. It is noted that restitution remains particularly relevant during times of conflict, when safeguarding cultural treasures in occupied territories and documenting violations of international agreements become critically important tasks for the heritage’s future recovery.
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