
  • Orest Hirnyi




historical environment, dislocation, location, city center, architectural monuments, gallery, museums, city structure, cultural centers, urban environment, e xhibition spaces, recreation.


Abstract. The purpose of this article is to analyze and determine the features of urban planning locations and Art museums in their development process. The research methods are based on the generalization of the results of the author's research of the center of historical city and its influence on the location of art museums (and galleries) in Ukraine and in the world. On the basis of conducted scientific research and practical work, Art Museums of National Importance need comprehensive expansion of their expositions in various areas of the territory. The results are a deepening of the study of architectural monuments in the structure of the historical city through the prism of time and the layering of different styles in architecture. At the current stage, museum complexes are moving into a new type, to the quality of universality, modernization and renovation, which is characteristic of all types of cultural and educational buildings and is the most relevant nowadays. In connection with this, the problem of a new typological structure arises i.e. the "structure of one day", not tied to a chronological sequence, that is, such a type of building, the architecture of which could combine the statics of a finished building and the dynamics of a developing organizational structure. Conclusions. To explain the complex interrelationships between the historically developed environment and the aesthetic characteristics of the architecture of museum buildings in accordance with their renovation and expansion, while not losing their authenticity preserved by time. An architectural object should be addressed to several consumers at once, to today's (real) and tomorrow's (potential).


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