
  • Oleksii Radzei



historical rural settlements, place names of rural settlements, planning organization, cultural monument, cultural heritage, compositional center, architectura l dominant.


Abstract. This article examines the concept of historical rural settlements, with a focus on the villages of the Kyiv region as a historical region of Ukraine. There were analized their peculiarities of development, traditional folk architecture, historical and cultural significance in the context of current regional and national development. Over the last century, the planning structure of settlements has changed significantly, and as a result of largescale destruction due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, some settlements need substantial reconstruction. In view of these extremely negative factors, let us analyze the significance of historic rural settlements for the present in the context of the protection of the national cultural heritage. The purpose of this article is to determine the historical and cultural significance of historical rural settlements in the Kyiv region. The research methodology consists of studying literary sources, comparing old maps of the nineteenth century with modern topography, visiting museums of folk architecture (Pirohovo and Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi), historic rural settlements of Rzhyshchiv and Balyko-Shchuchynka, archaeological sites such as hillforts and defensive earthen ramparts, and taking notes and sketches. The study found that the key to preserving villages as historical documents is the development of a separate register of rural historical settlements. The latter can be included in it on the following grounds: preserved or restored toponymy, highlighting the connection with important figures or historical events, preserved archaeological monuments or traces of them that testify to the long history of the settlement, preserved authentic industrial or household buildings, reproduced folk crafts and fine arts that were used in these areas, authentic planning structure with clear compositional centers and planning axes, etc. Conclusions. In the absence of a register of historical rural settlements and uncontrolled development of villages, in the context of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the issue of preserving historical cultural heritage, in particular the historical villages of the Kyiv region, arises. First of all, it is a question of developing an appropriate state register and the grounds for including historical rural settlements in it. In particular, it is necessary to identify and preserve objects of cultural significance in the context of the development of territorial communities in order to ensure their economic development.


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