emerging artist, contemporary art, terminology, debut.Abstract
Abstract. Contemporary art studies face the challenge of defining the concept of "emerging artist" in the Ukrainian context, which differs from Western artistic traditions. This article investigates the terminological approaches to the notion of an "emerging artist" and their impact on the development of contemporary art in Ukraine. Based on literary analysis, empirical data, and a comparative analysis with Western approaches, the article identifies differences in the understanding of this concept and highlights the necessity of establishing clear criteria and terminological boundaries for "young artists" in Ukrainian art. The research results enable the formulation of practical recommendations for creating a support and development system for young artists in Ukraine. This will contribute to the development of contemporary Ukrainian art and its integration into the international art context. The methodology of the research is based on an interdisciplinary approach, involving the analysis, comparison, and synthesis of information from various sources. Key findings of the study suggest that the Ukrainian art environment has its specific features in understanding and defining an "emerging artist". When devising strategies for supporting and developing contemporary art in the country, it is essential to consider the achievements of Western art studies. Establishing clear criteria and terminological boundaries for this concept will facilitate the more effective integration of emerging Ukrainian artists into the international art context and promote their potential as creative individuals capable of reimagining and transforming traditional artistic forms in accordance with contemporary demands.
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