
  • Leonid Prybiega
  • Iryna Zhezherina
  • Anastasia Huchenko




Kyiv city center, historical residential buildings, residential buildings, profitable residential buildings, mansions, historical environment, historically inherited spatial frame, historical area, monument protection zones, buffer zone, restoration, modernization, reno vation, rehabilitation, functional adaptation.


Abstract. The purpose of this article is to determine the typological, architectural, and stylistic features of the historical residential buildings of Kyiv in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries, their significance in shaping the street environment of the Kyiv city center, and ways to preserve monuments and use the city's housing stock in modern conditions. The research methodology is based on the generalization of previous scientific works, especially those related to monument protection, and the results of the author's field surveys of numerous relic residential buildings within the central historical area of the city. The study has established that it was the formation of the planning network of streets of the Kyiv city center and their active development with residential buildings in the specified period that ensured the creation of a compositionally integral urban formation, thanks to which the historically inherited spatial framework of the urban environment is maintained. Conclusions. The historical residential development of the Kyiv city center of the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries is marked by the stylistic diversity that is typical for this period, exquisite architectural and decorative plasticity and was created by the talent of a pleiad of famous Kyiv architects, and as an outstanding layer of cultural heritage is subject to protection at the state level from further destruction. The monument value of historic residential buildings is determined by the historical and cultural significance of the respective residential buildings as works of architectural art and as the former homes of prominent figures of Ukrainian culture, art, literature, and science associated with important historical events in the formation of Ukrainian statehood. The historic residential buildings of Kyiv's city center contribute to the compositional integrity of the city center. Combined with the outstanding works of architecture that have acquired the status of national and world significance, its structural construction is discovered. In organic unity with the characteristic landscape, the peculiarities of the historical environment of a ncient Kyiv are revealed. The architectural, urban planning, historical, and social significance of the residential buildings of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries point to the need for in-depth study, research, and monument protection and restoration measures to properly maintain and shape the originality of the historical image of Kyiv.


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